DeRidder Drug Crime Lawyer

DeRidder Drug Crime Lawyer

DeRidder Drug Crime Attorney

It’s important to stay informed about drug laws and the potential defenses against drug crime charges if you have been accused of committing a drug offense. This information can prepare you for legal challenges and, possibly, prevent a conviction from affecting your personal life. Working with a DeRidder drug crime lawyer can help you understand your options and potential outcomes. A skilled attorney can help you come to a favorable resolution regarding your drug possession charges.

best deridder drug crime lawyer

Dedicated to Our Clients

At the Law Office of R. Scott Iles, we recognize how hard it is for working families to receive support during challenging times, especially when an individual has been charged with drug possession. That’s why our firm is known for taking tough cases and defending them with the strongest strategies possible. We want to make sure our clients can have a DeRidder criminal defense lawyer who is willing to fight for their case.

What Counts as Drug Possession?

If you are caught with illegal substances on your person or on your property, then it is likely that you will be charged with drug possession. Even if the drugs are not directly found on your body, you can still be arrested for drugs found in your car or home.

Most individuals receive what’s called a simple possession charge. This is when an individual is found with a small amount of drugs, which they intended for their own personal use. In some cases, this is considered a misdemeanor. However, if the drug is dangerous enough or is found in high enough quantities, it could result in a felony charge.

Others might receive a charge of possession with intent to distribute. If someone has a higher amount of drugs than what is considered plausible for personal use, then law enforcement might assume that they are trying to sell or otherwise distribute the drugs. This charge is more likely to apply if other evidence is found, including packaging or baggies used to section out the drugs, scales to weigh the drugs, or money that could have come from a transaction.

Potential Penalties for Drug Possession in DeRidder, LA

Regardless of whether you are charged with simple possession or an attempt to distribute, both charges are quite serious and can result in a felony. Different types of drugs are broken down by how dangerous they are perceived to be, with Schedule I substances including especially dangerous drugs, like heroin, and Schedule V including drugs like codeine. The more dangerous the drug, the harsher the penalty.

Most drug possession sentences result in some sort of jail time or probation in DeRidder, LA. Even if the individual does not have to go to jail, they still must check in with a probation officer and be regularly tested for drugs. There are also fines associated with convictions that can significantly impact your quality of life.

What to Do If You Are Arrested for Drug Possession in DeRidder, LA?

If you are arrested for drug possession in DeRidder, stay calm. Don’t make the situation worse by panicking or confronting law enforcement. This can result in additional charges of resisting arrest. Engaging with law enforcement respectfully might improve the odds of positive treatment.

Individuals arrested for drug possession do not have to answer any questions related to the charges. If asked, they can simply refuse to answer and request to speak with an attorney. People who choose to offer information at the time of the arrest are giving law enforcement more evidence to use in a legal trial. Additionally, do not sign any documents given to you without an attorney being present to review them.

Contacting an attorney as soon as possible after your arrest can help you understand the exact charges you were given. They can offer advice and guidance on how to interact with law enforcement and what your case might involve. It’s also possible for an attorney to negotiate a settlement with the prosecution, which can reduce your charges and limit any negative effects stemming from them.

DeRidder Drug Crime Law FAQs

Q: Can Drug Possession Charges Be Dropped or Reduced in DeRidder, LA?

A: Drug possession charges can be dropped or reduced in Louisiana, but it helps to have a good defense strategy. Many cases are dropped or reduced via plea bargains, which are agreements with the projection for a lighter sentence. There might also be diversion programs available for first-time offenders. You might even get your charges dropped if law enforcement conducted an illegal search or did not follow criminal procedures correctly.

Q: What Should I Do If I Am Arrested for Drug Possession?

A: If you are arrested for drug possession, stay calm and obey law enforcement. Remain as silent as possible, and do not offer any voluntary information about your case. Do not attempt to escape arrest or resist because that can add to your charges. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to review your charges and the situation surrounding your case. Depending on what happened, an attorney might be able to help you get the charges dropped entirely or at least reduced.

Q: What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession in DeRidder, LA?

A: The penalties for drug possession include various amounts of jail time, fines, a conviction on your criminal record, community service, and more. The exact penalties will depend on the type of drug found, how much was discovered in your possession, and Louisiana law. Some cases are considered misdemeanors, while others can result in felony charges. Felonies also come with the added consequences of revoking your right to vote and possess firearms.

Q: What Is a Drug Possession Charge?

A: A drug possession charge is often given to individuals who possess a certain amount of illegal drugs on their person or property. Even if the drugs are legal, with the proper documentation, if the individual does not have the correct license to possess them, they could face legal consequences.

Possession usually involves smaller amounts of substances. Other charges, like trafficking and distribution, are assigned when there is a large amount of illegal drugs found, as it is assumed that large quantities are meant for selling or distributing.

Explore All Your Options

Being strategic with your drug possession charge usually means a more positive outcome. Learn how to navigate the complicated laws surrounding drug possession charges by working with a criminal defense attorney. Schedule a consultation with the Law Office of R. Scott Iles today to learn more about how we can help you manage your drug possession charges.
