DeRidder Drug Trafficking Lawyer

DeRidder Drug Trafficking Lawyer

DeRidder Drug Trafficking Attorney

Drug trafficking charges come with severe penalties and can have a lasting impact on your life. Without consulting a DeRidder criminal defense lawyer, you could receive felony charges, which can affect your opportunities for employment, housing, and civic engagement. If you are charged with drug trafficking, it is critical to work with a DeRidder drug trafficking lawyer. They can guide you through the complicated laws surrounding your case so that you can make informed decisions.

drug trafficking lawyer in deridder

Providing the Defense You Deserve

At the Law Office of R. Scott Iles, our DeRidder drug crime lawyer is deeply committed to serving our local community and its working families. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance at justice, so we work hard to create a compelling legal defense for our clients. Our firm has been known to take challenging cases to help our clients fight for their rights. Trust us to provide aggressive representation and creative strategies to benefit your case and your future.

What Are Drug Trafficking Charges?

There are many different types of drug charges, each with its own definitions and penalties. Drug trafficking charges are typically pressed against those who are intending to make, sell, or otherwise distribute illegal drugs in DeRidder, LA. Many individuals receive these charges without evidence of them distributing any drug because they have a large amount in their possession at the time of their arrest.

Drug trafficking charges usually deal with significantly large amounts of drugs at one time, so law enforcement assumes that individuals who possess this amount of drugs are attempting to distribute them, even if there is no evidence to support this. Charges related to smaller amounts are typically considered drug possession charges and are normally more minor.

The types of charges you face can also be affected based on contextual factors. For example, your charges might be more severe if you are caught close to a school or other areas that are frequented by minors. Specific types of evidence, like large amounts of money, packaging materials, or other items, may also be used to imply that you are selling drugs.

Even if federal law outlines certain penalties for trafficking drugs, Louisiana law could be even harsher, depending on the drug. It is also possible to receive additional penalties if you have been convicted of a drug crime before.

Legal Consequences of a Drug Trafficking Conviction in DeRidder, LA

One of the most obvious forms of penalties for a drug trafficking conviction in DeRidder is prison time. While some minor drug offenses might result in probation or parole, drug trafficking charges are more serious in nature and often result in at least several years in prison or even a life sentence. The exact amount of time sentenced depends on the exact case and how many times an individual has been convicted before.

Most sentences also come with monetary fines. If the individual was found to be selling drugs, it might also be possible for the authorities to seize assets related to the sale. Every case is different, but sentences related to drug trafficking charges are meant to be quite severe. They are also usually considered felony offenses as opposed to misdemeanors. These are serious crimes, and being convicted of one can dramatically affect your future.

Other Consequences of a Drug Trafficking Conviction in DeRidder, LA

A drug trafficking conviction can reduce your employment prospects. Most employers conduct some form of background check and could refuse to hire an applicant with a criminal record. Struggling with employment could affect your financial independence. Additionally, certain career fields, like healthcare, law, and education, require professional licenses that could be revoked if you are convicted of drug trafficking charges.

Landlords and administrative staff at educational institutions often review criminal records. If you have been convicted of a drug crime, it can be much more difficult to secure housing, be admitted to colleges, and receive financial aid to attend one. All of these consequences mean that it is incredibly important to work with an attorney, as they can mitigate the damage that your case could cause for your future prospects.

DeRidder Drug Trafficking Law FAQs

Q: What Should I Do If I Am Charged With Drug Trafficking in DeRidder, LA?

A: If you are charged with drug trafficking, speak with a drug crimes attorney as soon as possible. They can help you determine your options and develop strategies for you to achieve the most appropriate outcome for your case. An attorney can help with many legal matters, like plea deals and representing you in court. They might even be able to get your drug trafficking charges dropped, depending on the circumstances.

Q: What Is a Felony Drug Charge in DeRidder, LA?

A: Most drug crimes in Louisiana are considered felonies, especially drug trafficking crimes. While possessing small amounts of lower-level drugs could result in a misdemeanor, individuals are usually charged with drug trafficking if they are in possession of a large amount of drugs. This is because it is assumed that you are attempting to sell drugs if you have excessive quantities of them. Felonies typically result in severe penalties, like jail time and fines.

Q: Can You Get Probation for a Drug Trafficking Felony in Louisiana?

A: Whether someone gets probation for a drug trafficking felony in Louisiana depends on a variety of factors. If the individual is found with a Schedule I drug, like heroin, then they might not be eligible for parole or probation. If the drug in question is of a lower classification, then a judge might offer probation as an option, depending on the context of the case. Speak to a drug trafficking attorney to learn more about how to improve the odds of your case.

Q: Can a Drug Trafficking Charge Be Expunged From My Record?

A: Certain drug trafficking charges are eligible for expungement, while others might be expunged. If your charges were dropped or the case was dismissed, it is more likely that you are eligible for an expungement. Individuals who received a drug trafficking conviction might have a more difficult time getting their records expunged. To understand your options surrounding the expungement of your criminal record, contact a criminal defense attorney.

Develop a Personalized Legal Strategy

Rely on professional support for your drug trafficking charges. Education from a criminal defense attorney can strongly affect the outcome of your case. Their insights into the legal process and potential defenses for your case can help you protect your future. Schedule a consultation with the Law Office of R. Scott Iles today to take the first step toward building a strong defense for your case.
