Lafayette Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Lafayette Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Lafayette Drug Trafficking Attorney

If you’re facing drug charges, odds are you’re feeling scared, anxious, and alone. However, drug charges are not as unbeatable as you might think. Working with the right people could help you have your charges reduced or maybe even eliminated entirely. Don’t let something as serious as your future be affected by something like a drug charge. Contact a Lafayette drug trafficking lawyer to learn more about your options.

Lafayette Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Help Your Case With a Criminal Defense Attorney

Individuals charged with a crime need an aggressive criminal defense attorney who will work tirelessly for positive results. The Law Office of R. Scott Iles has a proven track record of defending individuals who have been wrongly accused of a crime. His deep background knowledge and professional connections with members of the court and prosecutors make him a great attorney to have on your side.

What Is Drug Trafficking?

Drug trafficking is just one of the different drug-related charges one can receive. It is typically assigned to individuals who are intending to distribute or sell drugs to others. Drug trafficking is usually a more serious offense than drug possession and can result in more jail time and higher fines.

In some cases, individuals who are not attempting to sell drugs are charged with drug trafficking. This is because there is an assumption among law enforcement that possessing more than a certain amount of drugs means you’re trying to sell them. One of the most common ways this charge is assigned is during a search after a police officer initiates a traffic stop.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

Experienced criminal defense attorneys have a good understanding of how long your case might take, what the results might be, and how to fight for a positive outcome. They can use their knowledge to create a thorough defense strategy and explain what’s happening to keep you up to date. It’s absolutely vital to have a skilled lawyer on your side when attempting to fight drug trafficking charges.

Potential Defenses for Drug Trafficking

There are many different ways that individuals can attempt to defend themselves against charges of drug trafficking, including things like:

  • Issues With Search: In many cases, law enforcement will search a home or a vehicle for drugs. If the police did not get the proper permission or inform you of your rights beforehand, the search might have been performed illegally, and the charges against you could be dropped.
  • Not the Right Person: Some drug trafficking charges are given hastily without verifying that the charges are placed on the correct person. If the prosecution is unable to determine whether or not you are the individual they meant to charge, your criminal case might not be valid.
  • Property of Others: If an individual lives in a shared space with other people, drug trafficking charges could be assigned to someone who does not own the drugs found in a residence. It is possible that false charges were given to someone who had nothing to do with the drugs involved.
  • Lack of Knowledge: Some people don’t realize they’re carrying drugs until the police discover them. This can happen if you borrow another person’s vehicle that has drugs in it. If this is the case, you may be able to claim you were unaware of the drugs in your possession and had no intention to distribute them.
  • Blackmail: If another group or individual is pressuring you to carry out illegal activities for them, you are performing these actions under duress. It might be possible to inform the court of the situation to prevent negative consequences.

Each case involves different circumstances, so a strategy that works for one case might not work for another. This is why working with a drug crimes attorney in Lafayette, Louisiana, is so important.


Q: How Do You Defend Yourself Against Drug Trafficking Charges?

A: To defend against drug trafficking charges, some individuals work to prove that they did not intend to possess or distribute drugs, especially if they belong to another person. Law enforcement must follow detailed rules and procedures while charging someone with drug trafficking, and if they did not do their job properly, the charges may not be valid. For more assistance with defending yourself against drug trafficking charges, contact a criminal defense attorney.

Q: What Do I Do if I Am Charged With Drug Trafficking in Louisiana?

A: If you have been charged with drug trafficking in Louisiana, it is a good idea to speak with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Louisiana has harsh penalties for drug-related offenses, including years in prison, and attempting to fight the charges on your own could result in negative consequences on your record and your future. A lawyer can offer guidance and advice on how to respond to law enforcement and the courts regarding your case.

Q: What Penalties Do People Convicted of Drug Trafficking Receive?

A: People who are convicted of drug trafficking receive many different types of penalties, depending on the severity of the charges. Most drug trafficking charges include at least some form of jail time and a fine. If the drugs are considered to be excessively dangerous, there might be additional penalties, although punishments assigned in a drug trafficking case vary from person to person.

Q: What Is the Difference Between Drug Trafficking and Drug Possession?

A: A drug possession charge usually involves a lower amount of the drug in question than drug trafficking. The consequences of drug trafficking are usually more severe than drug possession and might even result in a felony charge. If you have been accused of either drug trafficking or drug possession, it’s important to consult with a criminal defense attorney to understand your rights and what options you have.

Hire a Drug Trafficking Attorney With Experience

Working with an attorney can dramatically improve your odds of success with your case. An experienced attorney can help develop a detailed plan that’s catered to your situation. Schedule a consultation with the Law Office of R. Scott Iles today to learn more about how we can help you fight your drug trafficking charges.
